The Sixth Sense – Plott

In gemütlicher Zweisamkeit, wollen Anna und Malcolm Crowe die therapeutischen Erfolge feiern, für die Malcolm von der Stadt Philadelphia eine besondere Auszeichnung erhalten hat. Das traute Paar genießt einen Rotwein und möchte den schönen Abend im Schlafzimmer ausklingen lassen. Aber  [ Read More ]

This implementation example is thought to give an idea of how to realize a shader-based approach for screen space ambient occlusion. Additionally it might give a a basic introduction to shader programming with GLSL. The vector based SSAO approach is  [ Read More ]

Vector Based SSAO

The approach presented here has been developed by the author for the diploma thesis in 2009 and has further been published as full paper at the WSCG conference in Feb. 2010. Concept Referring to the definition of AO, occlusion at  [ Read More ]

Multi Pass Rendering

Complex calculations often require more than one single rendering process. Therefore the rendering pipeline is passed multiple times. This is usually done in a serial order, where every render pass works on specific input data. Filter- and post processing operations  [ Read More ]

Offscreen Rendering represents a rendering process which ignores the standard visible frame buffer and stores rendered data in an alternative buffer not being displayed after rendering. This buffer is called the render target. The case of using a texture as  [ Read More ]

Full Screen Quad

Some graphical operations require computations to be done on every pixel on the image plane. Any post processing steps and image filter operations in particular are typical examples. Therefor a rendering step is necessary that does not consider specific geometry  [ Read More ]

Screen Space Ambient Occlusion (SSAO) represents that class of algorithms, which compute occlusion in image space (screen space). In contrast to object space, screen space is the coordinate system given after projection, at the end of the pipeline where viewport  [ Read More ]

The following techniques compute AO in object space. This space comprises all coordinate systems among the rendering pipeline defined before stage of projection: local model coordinate system, world coordinate system, camera coordinate system. [Mill93] first published a concept being very  [ Read More ]